So I will again be back tracking...Please forgive me!
Little Miss Mia Blake Satterwhite was born Saturday Feb 26 th and 10:46 am. She was 6lbs 6oz and 19inches long.
So the story goes something like this....I had gone to the Dr on Tuesday for my 38 week check up, I was dilated to 2 and we were set to induce on Monday Feb. 28th. I also had a really intense exam and I think my Dr. may have gotten something started because after that I just felt different. We also had Macy's 2nd birthday party planned for Saturday the 26th! So just getting ready for her party, nesting and my normal routine!
Friday night came along and we were all here, just lounging. I had plans for the kids and I on Saturday. And for the last minute assembly of the bassinet and putting the car seat in! The kids chose Taco Bell for dinner and to be honest Ive not had Taco Bell in over a yr, but I ate it. I finished up some laundry and t shirts and at this point I'm having really irregular contractions not too painful.
Justin had been dealing with some sinus issues so he took some NyQuil, we put the kids to bed and he went to sleep and I became restless. I finished packing Chase's bag, I had a few snacks and then I watched the entire movie of the "Notebook". I cried and tried to sleep but I couldn't. At this point my contractions are about 15 mins apart and its about 2am. I did fall asleep shortly but then was up at 5:45! I woke Justin up and told him my contractions weren't stopping and I thought we would be having a baby today!! Justin said well I think I might go into work for a little bit, and I said no way!! I told him he, couldn't leave me, he agreed! We then started to time them and they were about 10 mins apart. Then 15 min then 9 min..
I showered, I cleaned, I made our bed haha! All while pretty much laboring at home. Justin called his mom, and we started making plans for the kids. We got everyone ready for the day, I was starting to get pretty emotional at this point! Madison made me cry! My mother-in-law came to stay with the kids I gave them big hugs and lots of kisses and we were off to the hospital, its now about 8:15-8:20. We stop at the gas station for Justin to get a drink and batteries for my camera. Justin gets back in and says " are your contractions slowing down? almost doubting if I were in labor! I quickly replied No this point I know I am in active labor! The contractions are getting closer and more intense!
We get to the hospital and get checked in at Labor and Delivery its now 8:45..I 1st encountered a nurse that sooo not nice..
Mean Nurse: Get her set up in rm#221 and get her in a gown..
Me: I don't need a gown, I have my own...
Mean Nurse: Does it have snaps?
Me: No it has ties
Mean Nurse: Well your not be able to wear it, you'll have to wear one of ours...
Me: Umm no I'm not(still in labor) My grandma made these for me and I'm wearing them!! The end!
Any ways my nurse came in and checked me...5cm wow! Were gonna have a baby before lunch! My contractions at this point are about 5 minutes apart. I then waited for the anastegeologist for my friend epidural! I always forget all the paperwork you have to sign and I'm always signing in between contractions! And its no fun! I get my epidural and then I relax and enjoy my last moments ever pregnant!
45 minutes later I am now at 9 cm...Dr Bradley came in (in his Jordans and told me he loved my gown and that I looked fabulous! Justin began to kiss my forehead and tell me how much he loved me! And I pushed 1 time...really ! we did videotape her birth...We have 3 girls that will all need to see it! I really just then barely pushed and she was here! She was our tiniest peanut! But absolutely adorable and looks just like her sisters and brother! She is healthy we are over the moon! My pregnancy and labor went so beautifully! I am truly blessed!
The kids had a blast meeting her! Thank you to my amazing husband, partner, best friend and coach! He was so supportive and even wore a t shirt! Ha! Thank you to my in laws and sister in laws for all their help! I am such a lucky girl! So here's some pictures from her birth day!
Love the birth story. Glad it went well and you guys are adjusting well!!